Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Flip Side

Two weeks of no blogging--and I'm still staring at an empty post.  Hmmm....! 

This has been my last weekend of summer.  I have done some really exciting stuff, like laundry and grocery shopping and...ugh!  Never mind.  

We could talk about mosquitoes in Tiny Town.  They are just dreadful.  Hanging up the laundry was an exercise in swatting mosquitoes without dropping clothespins or the wet laundry...double ugh!

The good news...

In the last week, the Mr. has shifted positions at his job and now will have every other weekend off.  He has been working every Saturday and some Sundays for about 15 years now.  I'm not sure we'll know what to do with an entire weekend!  Well, there is a baby coming to Big City this fall, so I imagine L and CB could get a bit sick of us.

Speaking of L, we spent one day in Big City helping her with her kindergarten classroom.  She had taken C & CC, step grands, the day before and those two girls did a lot of the things that I usually spend hours on.  (Bless.Their.Hearts!)  And C is quite a little organization nut.  L is lucky because I don't have that girl's skills.  We actually had L's room almost done before we left.  AND...she promised to send a picture of her hallway bulletin board after her kiddos provide the art work for it on the first day.

I finished 25 of those kindergarten desk pockets.  And L is starting the year with 20 students.  I may have to sew a couple more.  But here is the finished project.
In Tiny Town, the school provided each teacher with an iPad, so I have been trying to figure out all the ways to use it in the classroom with my Apple TV.  I have to confess that I love it!  I am becoming a technology junkie.  (They probably have rehab for that.)

Both K and L have been back at school for a week of meetings.  I return on Tuesday, so I have been spending quite a bit of time getting organized for the first day with students which is Thursday.  

Yes, the summer is almost over for me.  For some reason, I feel like I am dragging my feet this year.  Too many changes ahead.  I could probably use a good shove out the door.

And now I know what my students probably feel like...!


Cousins said...

I CAN NOT believe it.......I was thinking I was going to have to send you a reminder!!! LOVE you my CrAzY Cousin!!!Enjoy your school year!

Kim said...

Enjoy your "last" day of summer, Mrs. E, and best wishes for a wonderful school year.