Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Having to Hunt

I'm hunting hard for the love today.  Let's see...

*I am loving some of the parents that I have been so fortunate to work with through the years.  A favorite father (and now grandfather) of some students had a horrible stroke and isn't expected to recover.  It makes me so sad, but I am remembering his and his wife's contribution to our community and our school system.

*My PLC has made a good dent in a common assessment that we are writing for our department.  The inservice wasn't nearly as bad as expected, and I feel like we accomplished a lot.

*K left a bottle of wine in my fridge.  She had been on a Girl's Weekend to some wineries with some good friends.  I'm not sure when that bottle will be cracked open, but soon.

*When K got home from her weekend, the Bug wanted to sleep with her.  She sent her to bed, but soon had a little girl whose "tummy hurt."  She sent her back to bed.  The second time, her toe hurt.  The third time it was her nose that was hurting.  Mom finally gave up and let her sleep with them.  Before she could go to sleep she had to ask, "Can I kiss you, Mommy?" and then, "Can I hug you, Mommy?"  Think she missed her mom? (And does she know the way to her mom's heart or what?!)

*A combat choreographer has been found for the big fight scene in "The Outsiders."  That takes the weight of the world off of my shoulders.  (Oh, who am I kidding?  There is still a lot of weight working around all the obstacles in our scheduled practices, but I keep telling myself I will get there. Cross your fingers!)

*Poor L is suffering with the flu.  Baby E was taking care of her on her President's Day vacation.  I'm thankful she wasn't scheduled to work.  I think CB was taking pretty good care of her, too.

*Best love of all:  The weather is looking like Spring might eventually get here.  The sun has been out and temperatures have only been in the 40's overnight.  K and I walked outside for the first time in a long time.  It was heaven.

OK. So maybe I didn't have to hunt so hard after all.

1 comment:

Beth said...

We are still hunting. Ice, wild wind, and low temps last nt.--are on 2-hr delay. Next Monday we start our make-up days of 30 minutes longer each day. It will take 30 to make up the 6 fays we still owe. If we miss today, it will be 40.
The time is being added as a 9th period and all kids are assigned to teachers and all teachers have either OGT, ACT, or study skills to teach for Intervention purposes. Our OGT begins March 10th! We are definitely not ready!