Sunday, April 12, 2015


Lilacs.  They are in bloom.  Lilacs are the flowers of my childhood.  They were Mom's flowers.  Our lilac bush was located right beside the mailbox, so Little Sister and I would sometimes leave lilacs for the mailman. (Much better than the cat that Little Sister left him one time! Yikes!)

Rotten bananas.  I can't stand to eat a banana that is a little too ripe; in fact, at first bite of "mush" I am done. But I love when rotten bananas are made into banana bread.  I especially like banana bread with nuts.

Holding sleeping babies. Little man E is not a little baby any more, but he fell asleep and Nana got to hold him through his Grandpa's funeral yesterday.  Nothing better than holding a sleeping child.

Photos: Speaking of Little Man E and his Grandpa, I love this last picture of the two of them.  So sweet.
Photo by L

Going Home Service or maybe I should call it a Going Home Celebration.  I loved CB's Dad's service.  There was Gospel Music done really well, and a Eulogy that was about his Dad but also about each and every one of us.  Wonderful.  

Bubbles.  The grandkids love them, but so does this Nana.  This is a fairly new development, but I am blaming it on the fact that I am taking on some teaching assignments of a retiring colleague. LKD hosted "Bubble Tuesday" every Tuesday we were in the trailers.  She had a machine that blew bubbles to cover their deck. Students walked through bubbles to get to class.  It was a hit.  Even high school kids love bubbles.  Does my new love of bubbles mean that I am morphing into LKD?  Stay tuned.

Spring weather. I love the cold mornings and warm afternoons.  It could stay this way all summer, and I'd be thrilled.  Last night, we had rain.  (I like that part of spring, too.  Light rains.) 

Organization.  Chaos drives me crazy.  (Though if you looked in some closets and drawers in my house, you might not think so!)  I spent the end of last week cleaning out 30+ years of files from my file cabinets.  I found some really old files, plus a bit of tornado debris in the bottom of some files.  You might be happy to know that I only found one purple mimeograph stencil. (Lovely!) Each of my units is now stored in a notebook.  There is still a bit to do, but I am organizing for the move to a new classroom.

A "sprinkling" instead of a shower.  K has three friends who took her to lunch, and each gave this 2nd baby a gift.  These three friends don't work together any more and had time to catch up.  What a sweet idea.  

End of the year activities.  This school year is quickly winding down.  Prom was last night.  Honor Banquets, Senior Productions, FFA BBQ's, and graduation can't be far behind.  

April.  Just the word alone is pretty. And this is a beautiful one so far.

1 comment:

Relyn Lawson said...

I love your loves. In fact, we share so many of the same pleasures. Lilacs make me so very happy. I always remember a time when my brother-in-law and nephew raced the rain to bring armfuls of lilacs home.