Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Homecoming Week

You know how elementary teachers hate the days after Halloween, Valentine's Day and Easter? The kids are too hopped up on sugar.

Yeah, well that is Homecoming Week at the high school: Spirit days of crazy dressing, float building every evening, and finding dates to the big dance. Classes are taking a back seat to all of that fun.

Oh, and did I mention "proposals"? You can no longer just ASK someone to the Homecoming Dance or Prom. There has to be a proposal.  Songs are sung, roses are left in classrooms, announcements are made over speaker systems, and signs are held up in public events. All of this has to be video recorded, too.

What happened to the days of a guy calling you on the phone or walking up to your locker and saying, "Wanna go to Homecoming with me?" You answered, "Sure" and that was it.

Those days are long gone. "True love," or in this case, "True Homecoming Dates" have to be a big deal. "No" answers are now public humiliation.

And just what in the heck are these kids going to do when it is time to propose marriage?

Two more days. Two.

I think I can do this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree. Cousin BJB