Thursday, June 24, 2010

TYVM to the Mr. and Janet Evanovich

This week's tongue in cheek thank yous go out to some of my favorite people.  (Sorry, Mr.  You knew this was coming!))

To the Mr.-  Thank you so much for putting your clip-on sunglasses face down in the drink holder of my car.  After clocking in to work on one of the 90+ days this week, I picked up a large styrafoam cup of iced tea.  I set it in the drink holder and drove out to the pool only to pick up an empty glass.  Yep, your sunglass clips had punctured the bottom of the cup and drained the entire contents into the drink holder.  It's a good thing I love you!  (My beach towel did double duty that day.)

To my arthritis-  Thanks for making my thumbs, wrists, and hands ache to the point of tears.  I don't need my hands all that much.  *argh*

To Janet Evanovich-  Sizzling Sixteen makes me want to forget everything else in the world and just read.  Thank you so much for making it possible to go hours without speaking to anyone.  I don't even want to answer the phone.  Oh, and by the way--the pressure is on.  Finger Lickin' Fifteen was my favorite.  If JK Rowling could keep churning out better and better books, so can you!

Thanks Midwestern weather!  The pool has been at capacity with people waiting for me to finish cleaning so they could jump in at 10:00 in the morning.  Cleaning the bathrooms is miserably hot. I've never seen my face that red from heat before!  Did I mention that sweat rolling into eyes that are wearing contact lenses is stingingly painful?! 

Finally, a thank you to Mr. Baxter pup.  You have a bark that is music (?) to my ears.  (OK. It is so shrill, I feel like my ears might bleed. yikes!)  However, you did a nice job of "acting" obedient in obedience school.  Look, sit, and stay were all a piece of cake--as long as there were treats involved. I guess I can thank you for the fact that our "treats" bill is going to be fairly high for the next six weeks while we teach you some manners!

It has been "one of those" weeks around here, but this morning's low temperatures in the 60's bodes well for the end of the week!


Steve Gravano said...

Don't fret over the treat bill for Baxter, it's well worth it. Everyone we talked to said Greyhounds were never to be off leash; they run after anything. Isabel goes out in the mornings on her own and the only running she does is back to the door for her treat. After a while we started breaking the treats in half or thirds. She is still obedient.

Katie (Can't Get There) said...

Sing it, sister! (Whew! Doesn't it feel better letting it all out?)

Mary said...

I was horrified when I read #1! Did Mr. E clean your car up for you? I'm the same way with Janet Evanovich's books...she's excellent!

Beth said...

I didn't use to have treats for the cats. I tried a pack when they were kittens and they snubbed them. But with the insulin shots, I feel that I need to give him(and her)a treat. They now like them. Add to that the price of the special catfood for a diabetic cat and the money spent on catfood has increased significantly. But they're worth it as I'm sure Baxter is.

Gayle said...

I just finished Finger Lickin' Fifteen! I love the Stephanie Plum books but they go too fast!

Paula said...

Just finished Janet's book; I wish she'd write faster! I don't ever seem to get enough.