Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Today's the Day

By about 10:30 this morning, I should know how my students performed on their state tests.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

Am I nervous?  Yeah, a bit.  We're to the point where I have no control, and for a control freak...!  Well, no control is not where I want to be.

Thankfully, the only snafu on the first day of testing was in my testing room.  Nine out of ten computers in that room needed an update on the state testing site.  Lovely.  We scurried and shipped students out to other rooms.  It wasn't ideal, but it worked. 

How am I feeling today?  I could use a stiff drink.  If the kids do well, we'll change that to a glass of champagne.  (After school, of course!) 


Kim said...

You and technology really aren't working out in the new building, are you? Hopefully, that's your one snafu for the whole testing process! (And as a fellow control freak, I can relate!) Thinking good thoughts ...

margie said...

pooh pooh good luck to everyone.

Katie (Can't Get There) said...

Does that mean the stiff drink will be *during* school if it's needed? :)

No need to worry - you are a great teacher and I know your students did you proud!

Beth said...

Is it just ONE day? How do you know so quickly the results--computer? We do ours on paper and bublle stuff and it's 8 weeks until we know the results and ours takes FIVE days. What state do you live in? Perhaps Ohio needs to take some lessons from it.