Sunday, October 23, 2011

CBS Sunday Morning News, Sharon Randall, Coffee, and Old Hymns

What I Love About Sundays:

*CBS Sunday Morning News.  Mom got me started on it, and I have passed it on to my girls.
*The Sunday paper:  especially all the ads and Sharon Randall's Column- love her!
*Time to linger over coffee
*Church--the old hymns, church friends, and all the little kids at children's church
*Afternoon or early evening drives to a local lake
*Sunday dinner: roast or baked steak and mashed potatoes
*Early evening walks
*Sunday night television (Amazing Race and The Good Wife) and popcorn
*Going into an empty school to get organized for the week
*Early (and I mean early!) morning grocery shopping trips

Happy Fall Sunday!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love CBS Morning News, too, but I don't get to watch much anymore, since our service got switched to 9 AM (and have to be early for choir practice and to get my SS lesson ready.) I guess I need to DVR it, but part of the appeal was just sitting there watching and not hurrying around to get to church. Ah well! It's a good list!!