Saturday, March 31, 2012

Out Like A Lamb Too

The last day of March promises to bring more mild weather.  It has been a beautiful March.

I had a wonderful birthday.  K and L both called early and sang. 

I took a big birthday cake to celebrate with my students.  Sugar is usually a hit with sophomores. (I didn't remember to take this picture until after lunch, so half the cake is already gone!)
 The principal started our Academic Assembly with a warm-up exercise for the student body:  singing "Happy Birthday" to me.  Unexpected and pretty sweet.

After school, K, CT, and the Bug went with us to meet L for supper.  The Mr. hadn't even hinted at my birthday present.  (He's usually really bad at keeping secrets.)  They gave me a Color Nook.  Talk about a shocker!  I spent last night charging it, so I bet you can guess what I will be doing today.  I'm probably searching Barnes and Noble online while you're reading this!
 Ended the day with a Tiny Town resident calling and playing "Happy Birthday" on his horn.  He is a retired band teacher, keeping his skills sharp, and spreading a little birthday cheer. Pretty nice!

Fifty-five is off to a good start.  (And I think I am already sticking to yesterday's list!)


cel g said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday!

holybovine said...

What a great birthday! Here's to 55 more.

After reading about this book on npr's site, I bought it yesterday: "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. Haven't started it yet, but it sounded interesting.

It reminded me of "Walk Across America" by Peter Jenkins which I read years ago and loved.

Just a couple suggestions for your new nook.

gayle said...

Blogger comments weren't working when I tried to wish you a happy birthday yesterday, so...Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Katie @Can't Get There said...

Glad it was filled with happy! Let's keep the trend going! :)