Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Her Squishiness

I told you I had a great weekend.

Baxter did, too. 

I pretty much want to squeeze her every time I see her!  Baxter just wants to lick her.  Thankfully, the Bug likes both of us anyway!


Kim said...

I say squeeze away, Mrs. E! We might as well cuddle and squeeze while we can since time seems to pass so quickly. Enjoy!

holybovine said...

Happy, happy times, cousin. Enjoy! The three year old over here is already stingy with hugs and kisses. Glad there's an 11 month old to take over. ;-)

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

awwwww! melts my heart. and totally makes me want to get Jack and Sherman together. they have yet to meet.

Katie @Can't Get There said...

Awwww! Bug is too cute!! I can't believe how big she is! And doesn't that little sweetie pie look so much like her mama? :)

joyce said...

The bug has an adorable, squishable, heart-shaped face!