Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday

My first day being FB and Pinterest free hasn't been too bad.  Of course, I've barely had time to think.  That probably helps.

Today was a short day of school.  We have Parent/Teacher conferences tonight.

Let me tell you about stupid teaching decisions:  handing back less than spectacular research papers on the day of Parent/Teacher conferences.

My students think I am the meanest thing ever.  (Could be.)  I'm sure I might will be seeing some parents who aren't thrilled with their student's grade. I'm guessing they might have to take a number. 

This really could be an "Ashy" Wednesday.  I could be going down in a blaze.

Wish me luck.


joyce said...

Good luck......always nice to hear the teacher's point of view! I haven't been thrilled with my son's grades for the past 10 years, but I'm thinking it's not all the teachers' fault!

Kim said...

I'm really surprised that you have P/T conferences on a Wednesday night, especially Ash Wednesday night. Our school district tries to keep Wednesdays for church activities. Good luck with the angry mob! Maybe they will back you up. Wouldn't that be great?!

margie said...

this made me laugh! last night at our book club meeting we spent more time talking about interest, houzz, etc., than we did about the boo! granted it was a crappy book and didn't really warrant any discussion.

Kim said...

I'm passing along the Versatile Blogger Award to you. If you'd like to participate, choose 15 blogs to honor and let them know via their comment section. If you want to write about it, you can tell 7 random things about yourself, too. (Don't feel pressure. If you don't want to, that is fine, too! Hopefully, a few people will check you out via my blog where I mentioned you today:

A said...

Sooo I'm totally considering giving up facebook for a while, but I am not sure I can... I like to read all the updates, but I don't like that I read them so often. I also am not going to give up pinterest (that's just something I'm not willing to do ;)

Maybe I could take facebook off of my phone and limit myself to only looking at it once a day... How sad/pathetic do I feel ;)