Friday, March 30, 2012

Five For Fifty Five

I'm always big on lists.  Big ones and small ones, I just like lists.  This one is going to be really small.

Today's the day:  the 55th Birthday.  

Five things I plan to enjoy in my 55th year:

1.  My favorite people.  I have plans for days in Big City with L, running and walking with K, snuggling and playing with the Bug, trips to the farm, eating CT's good cooking (though raiding his garden comes to mind!), and camping trips and day trips with the Mr. Oh, and I can't forget quality time with Baxter.  (At least, he thinks he's a person!)

2.  An emptier house.  I plan to sort, sell, and give away a lot of excess on Easy Street.  Then I can paint and work on some other home improvement projects.

3.  Physical activity.  Walking, running, swimming, and biking. 

4.  Technology.  The artistic me doesn't have a shred of talent.  Technology allows me to be artistic even with no skills:  photography editing, creating movies, and even creating a book from this blog.  I plan to enjoy technology including Pinterest, Houzz, Twitter, and Facebook.  (Forty days of Lent without Pinterest and Facebook has been tough.)

5. Anything that stretches me:  travel, books, new hobbies, new ideas, and new projects.

Oh, and chocolate and wine.  Always chocolate and wine.
A "girl" is only 55 once.  Might as well go for it!


Kim said...

It's a good list, Mrs. E! I need to pursue #2 along with you, but the fun things on the list always seem to crowd out the "paring down" I should do.

Katie @Can't Get There said...

Happy Birthday, dear! If anyone can make a year magical just by being herself, it's you. Enjoy you day and all the year has in store for you!

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

Confession: I ran through the list pretty quickly to get down to the picture of the wine. I love wine. :) But it is a good list!

cel g said...

Happy Birthday! Great list!