Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fall in Our Town

I've always loved fall in this town. Our tree-lined streets have always been so pretty. This year isn't quite the same. The tornado took a lot of our tallest, oldest trees. In fact, we looked like a war zone most of the summer. For months I couldn't make myself walk, run, or bike here. It was too depressing for words. So, we'd jump in the car and head to a pond path in a town near here or out to a River Trail. Gradually, things are beginning to look a little more normal. I still haven't gone for many bike rides, but I run or walk at 5 AM and since it is dark...it seems almost like old times.

Last Sunday I took pictures of the trees on 9th street. The trees are turning and our street looks like it always has. If you go another block or two, it is another story. However, I did discover that we now have a skyline. Coming down the Golf Course Hill, you can see the whole town now. It may not be New York, but I love that view.


A said...

I'd trade my New York skyline to come home to this for a couple days. I'm missing Kansas so much lately.

sweetsalty kate said...

Gorgeous... looks like a Norman Rockwell town, and what a wonderful thing.