Monday, October 24, 2011

Painting the House

We haven't changed the colors, but it already looks so much better!  How sad is it that...

*we were painting over eggs thrown at the house about 15 years ago.  (And you'd think we'd know better than to paint it right before Halloween!) 

*now all I can think about is that I want to put in new windows.  (My savings account doesn't think that is a good idea!)

*my filthy dirty windows are driving me crazy.  They just don't go with the paint job. Maybe I shouldn't wash them if we're just going to get new ones in about ten years or so!

*the idea has crossed my mind that we are getting the house ready to sell.  (We aren't, but we might be a step closer.)

*one project always leads to about ten more.  One of the drawbacks of ever doing anything to the house!

So what are the cheapest things I can do right now?  Wash the windows and rake the leaves.

And I really want to read a book or watch a movie.  L-A-Z-Y! 

1 comment:

Shannon said...

If I lived closer, I'd come and wash your windows for ya! I find it strangely therapeutic. Weird, I know.