Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Here We Go

We are having out last day of finals today.  We had a snow/ice day that didn't let us finish our semester before Christmas.  So-- finals to grade, all the make-up work for those wait-to-the-last-minute students, semester grades to finish--that's what is on the agenda for today. 

Tomorrow, 2nd semester begins, and we have all of our new classes. That means we need seating charts, new rosters, and lessons ready to go to begin the new units of 3rd nine weeks. 

Why do I have a feeling that the next few days are going to be hectic?  One step at a time.  One step at a time!

1 comment:

Mary said...

So I guess y'all don't have the luxury of having a day before the kids come back to get organized? My school system started that a couple of years ago, and my school system in SC did it...it's such a BIG help!