Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Favorites

I babysat the Bug yesterday for about an hour. It was a crazy hour.  She is a hoot and quite busy.  We played with paper dolls who went swimming and jumped into the deep end.  We played a Dora game that teaches the sounds that go with the letters.  We hunted for the one Easter Egg that I still had from last Easter, and couldn't find it anywhere.  She opened drawers and said "Nope."  Eventually, she had to eat unhidden jelly beans.  It was a sacrifice. I love that little Bug.

Tomorrow, we are headed to a belated celebration for L's birthday, and so I get to see the Little Man.  I can't wait. He's changing so much.

A couple of other favorites this week:

This blog post by L for Martin Luther King Day made me cry.  She sees our world from a little bit different place these days.

This poster says it all sometimes.  (Should I be taking advice from Elizabeth Taylor??)
But I'm leaving you with video.  I fell in love with this poem when I saw Dead Poet's Society, and I love this commercial featuring it.

Happy Friday--and excuse me, but I have to find my tube of lipstick! (That drink will have to wait until this evening.)

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