Saturday, January 14, 2012

No Posts

Easy Street is still having computer problems.  Our wireless is on the blink--literally.  We're on.  We're off. We're on.  We're off.  Hopefully, we will get the darn thing figured out early next week. 

Let's see.  The Mr. is at an RV show out of town this weekend.  (He has been since Wednesday.)  He is home to sleep and that is about it. 

Oh, and I burned my cheek with my curling iron.  It isn't bad, but looks quite lovely.  (I haven't used a curling iron in years--and now I may never again.) 

The Mr.'s cousin is in the hospital.  She is quite sick with a bacterial infection that isn't responding to the  antibiotics that they have tried so far.  They've brought in specialists.  Poor thing.  She is 60 or so and this is her first time in the hospital since she was born.  I usually go visit them during RV show weekend.  We take in a movie at one of my favorite theaters.  (They deliver wine to your seat!)  The poor cousin is so sick that she doesn't even want company in the hospital.  We'll have to plan a trip for another weekend. I'm hoping the cousin bounces quickly.  

On a good note, I did babysit the Bug for a couple of hours last night.  It is so much fun when she giggles with joy when she sees me!  Love that little girl!

I wouldn't count on regular blogging any time soon.  It doesn't seem to be in the cards.  On the upside, I should get a lot of work done on the next show.  Auditions are Tuesday and Wednesday.  There is plenty to do.

I could use some luck about right now, but you know theater people.  And if you tell me to break a leg, I probably would.  Send good thoughts, OK? 


Anonymous said...

Lots of good thoughts are coming your way!! BJB

Mary said...

wine to your seat in a theater??? That's worth a visit! :)
Hope the cousin gets well soon.